Archives mensuelles : juin 2020

Highfield Junior’s ‘Virtual Film Club’ during lockdown

The children at Highfield Junior School Film Club were working hard on their topic of ‘Sensations in Cinema’ when the lockdown stopped them in their tracks.  As we adapted to our new routine at home the world around us seemed to slow down and the days became indistinguishable.  Faced with an attentive audience stuck at home and with access to new online tools, we sensed a perfect opportunity to explore our theme in more depth.

And so our ‘Virtual Film Club’ was born on the 26th of March.

Every Thursday afternoon the sixteen children in our club come together to learn about film and have a good time despite our physical distance.  London Film School Alumni Chi Yu and Anne Mancosu help the children to develop an awareness of the building blocks of film through discussions, assignments and analysis of the work.  The exercises have included: Lumière Minute, Light and Shadow, Frame within a Frame, Balance and Point of View, Interpretation and Sound.  We have also taken part in fun quizzes and worked on a collaborative final film.  Even our wrap party took place on Zoom!

It has been an intensive learning journey but the results speak for themselves. Here is a collection of clips and films by the children in our Virtual Film Club during lockdown:

Lumiere Minute by Charlotte: Bunny Fight

Lumiere Minute by Adrian: Across the Bus Stop at Night

Lumiere Minute by Ella: Dog at Dusk

The Sound Collector by Kate: The Sound Collector

Interpretation by Katie: Interpretation

Imbalance by Zain:Imbalance

Looking into the Future by Adrian: Looking Into the Future

Balance/Point of View by Ella: Balance and Point of View

Bike Ride by Iris and Katie: Bike Ride

Shadows in Water by Paige: Shadows in Water

Quarantine Olympics by Daisy: Quarantine Olympics

Reflections by Betsy: Reflections

Hot by Noah and Freddie: Hot

Life in Lockdown by Elizabeth: Life in Lockdown

Frame within a Frame by Fabian: Frame within a Frame

My Best Friend by Morgane: My Best Friend

Climbing Tree by Scarlett: Climbing Tree

Catégorie : Divers, En classe | Laisser un commentaire

Excertos Visionados – 28 de maio

(Sobre excerto de História Trágica Com Final Feliz)

Talvez a menina tivesse uma doença cardíaca, mas acho que não morreu, porque as pessoas ficam a olhar para o céu. Não, não era uma doença, ela era diferente. Normalmente as pessoas não gostam do que é diferente. E ela não era feliz com que as pessoas pensavam. Ela não gostava de estar ali e ainda não tinha descoberto qual era o  lugar onde gostava de estar, ainda não tinha descoberto que pertencia aos pássaros. Quando fica feliz ganha asas.

(About Tragic Story with Happy Ending excerpt)

Maybe the girl had a heart condition, but I don’t think she died, because people stare up at the sky. No, it wasn’t a disease, she was different. Usually people don’t like what’s different. And she wasn’t happy with what people thought. She didn’t like being there and she hadn’t figured out where she liked to be yet, she still hadn’t found out that she belonged to the birds. When she’s happy, she grows wings.


(Sobre o excerto de Morangos Silvestres)

Ele olha como quem quer ver melhor o que está do outro lado, e aproxima-se e a câmara também e vemos um casal junto e acho que por causa da música ele fica triste por não estar a acontecer alguma coisa como ele queria que acontecesse. Ele está a olhar para a vida antiga dele, está a rever uma memória e sente-se sozinho.


(About Wild Strawberries excerpt)

He looks like he wants to get a better look at what’s on the other side, and so he approaches and does the camera too and we see a couple together. I think because of the music he’s sad that something isn’t happening like he wanted it to happen. He’s looking at his old life, he’s reviewing a memory, and he feels alone.


(Sobre o excerto de Rafa)

Já era tarde – não há claridade quase nenhuma. A casa deles é num prédio, num bairro – vê-se outros prédios da janela e quando passa alguém ele olha para baixo. Eles estão quase às escuras, só entra a luz do candeeiro lá de fora e eles falam baixinho porque é de noite e por causa do bebé. Há um certo desespero porque a mãe não volta. E quando ele queima o papel eu acho que isto tem a ver com a mãe e que significa que ele perdeu a esperança que ela volte.

Eu senti-me sozinho ao ver este excerto, porque eu à noite quando não sei se tenho a presença de um adulto sinto-me desprotegido.

(About Rafa’s excerpt)

It was late – there’s almost no clarity. Their house is in a building, in a small neighborhood – we see other buildings from the window, and when someone walks by he looks down. They are almost in the dark, only the lamp light comes from outside and they speak quietly because it is night and because of the baby. There’s near a despair because the mother won’t come back. And when he burns the paper I think it has to do with the mother and that means he’s lost hope that she’ll come back.

I felt alone watching this excerpt, because at night when I don’t know if I have the presence of an adult I feel unprotected.

Catégorie : Divers, En classe | Laisser un commentaire

Rodagem do 2º exercício

Catégorie : Exercice 2, Exercices | Laisser un commentaire

Montagem do 1º exercício

Catégorie : Divers, En classe, Exercices | Laisser un commentaire

Gravações de Sons e Foley

Catégorie : Divers, Exercices | Laisser un commentaire

Rodagem do 1º Exercício

Catégorie : Exercice 1, Exercices | Laisser un commentaire

Repérage – Sensações do Cotidiano

Catégorie : Exercice 1, Exercices | Laisser un commentaire

Excertos vistos em sala

Catégorie : En classe, Films vus | Laisser un commentaire

Primeiras experimentações com a câmara; Premières expérimentations avec la caméra

No primeiro dia da oficina vimos o filme « Rentrée des Classes », de Jacques Rozier. Depois do filme fomos à procura de lugares para irar fotografias parecidas com os planos do filme. Encontrámos perto da escola um riacho que vai dar à Ribeira de Odivelas. Hoje quando vimos as fotografias que tirámos ficamos super contentes porque percebemos que nos lembrávamos dos planos do filme. Gostámos muito deste exercício que nos ajuda a observar melhor, a ver a luz e os enquadramentos.

Le premier jour, nous avons visionné le film Rentrée des Classes, de Jacques Rozier. Après le film, nous sommes allés chercher des endroits pour prendre des photos semblables aux plans du film. Près de l’école, nous avons trouvé un ruisseau, qui est un affluent de la Ribeira d’Odivelas. Aujourd’hui, quand nous avons vu nos photos, nous étions très contents parce que nous avons réalisé que nous nous souvenions des plans du film. Nous avons beaucoup aimé cet exercice, qui nous aide à mieux observer.

Catégorie : Divers, En classe, Films vus | Laisser un commentaire