CCAJ Exercise 1

Our CCAJ session started with a very interesting exercise! We were shown a painting and we had to guess who the characters might be, how they were connected to each other, what did their expressions convey. The most interesting question was to imagine a situation out of which the momentshownin the painting arose! As it is, we just loved the painting! It made our heart go to the boy who looked so sad and yet seemed to be holding on to some emotion. And who could this woman be? It was difficult to really understand her expression! We were surprised to find that each one of us had imagined very different stories and situations for the same painting. And each story was so interesting in itself.We listened to our audio recordings of the stories. And then we were formed into smaller teams. Our task was to imagine a small situation around two characters. One of us would live and the other would shoot. And without using sound, the actors had to act out a situation ! We had such fun discussing situations, then acting and shooting. We laughed even as we raced to finish our exercise on time. When our 1-2 min exercises were screened, we saw that we could have done better. We left feeling so happy we had started making our movies!

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Une réponse à CCAJ Exercise 1

  1. We are from Escola Carlitos in Brasil. We did these exercises too and we liked very much.

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