Archives de catégorie : Exercice 1

TOURNAGE en classe


Aujourd’hui, place à la pratique ! Tournage en classe du suspens temporel et de la transformation plastique.

Catégorie : En classe, Exercice 1, Exercices | Laisser un commentaire

Captation du temps proposé par Simon

Catégorie : Exercice 1 | Laisser un commentaire

Transformation plastique proposée par Lyam

Catégorie : Exercice 1 | Laisser un commentaire

Transformation plastique propose par Ysaline

Catégorie : Exercice 1 | Laisser un commentaire

Rodagem do primeiro exercício

Depois de separarmo-nos em grupos e pensarmos sobre os temas do primeiro exercício, fomos filmar: 1. uma captação de tempo; 2. uma tensão dinâmica ligada à duração do plano; 3. uma transformação plástica no plano.

After being separated into groups and thinking about the themes of the first exercise, we went on to film: 1. a record of time; 2. a dynamic tension linked to the duration of the shot;  3. a physical/plastical transformation in the shot.

Our first film shooting exercise!

Aline Lima

Eu gostei de ter essa experiência e dos filmes. Gostei de participar e voltaria a fazer. Participei como realizadora, nunca tinha feito algo igual mas foi bom, aprendi muito e espero participar mais para aprender mais.

I enjoyed having that experience and the movies. I enjoyed participating and would do it again. I participated as a director, I had never done anything like it but it was good, I learned a lot and I hope to participate more to learn more.

Alexandre Lopes

Gostei da experiência, seria interessante gravar mais e melhor. Foi interessante também aprender sobre os aparelhos profissionais, eu não sabia trabalhar, talvez agora me safasse a filmar ou a captar som. De momento não tenho ideias para futuros projectos que se possam realizar, mas de certeza que são muitas as ideias.

Sendo sincero, gostei de tudo o que fiz.

I enjoyed the experience, it would be interesting to record more and better. It was also interesting to learn about professional devices, I didn’t know how to work, maybe now I would get away with filming or recording sound. At the moment I have no ideas for future projects that can be carried out, but certainly there are many ideas.

To be honest, I liked everything I did.

Ivanoel Cafú

Eu gostei, aprendi diversas coisas, gostei mais de mexer na câmara, aprendi a mexer na câmara.

I liked it, I learned several things, I liked to use the camera more, I learned to use the camera.

Diogo Casemiro

Eu gostei de trabalhar com os meus amigos e também gostei de trabalhar com os equipamentos.

I enjoyed working with my friends and I also enjoyed working with the equipment.

Rafael Jesus

Eu adorei o exercício que fiz pois despertei um grande interesse por filmes e pela forma como são realizados. Eu espero que possa voltar a fazer um filme outra vez.

I loved the exercise I did because it sparked a great interest in films and because of the discovery of how they are made. I hope I can make a movie again.

Sara Delgado

Apesar de já ter tido uma experiência como esta, gostei de repetir. Achei mais interessante da forma que realizaram e empenharam-se no filme. No futuro gostaria de ser actriz ou câmara.

Despite having already had an experience like this, I would like to repeat. I found it more interesting in the way they performed and engaged in the film. In the future I would like to be an actress or a câmera operator.

Inara Martins

Gostei muito desta nova experiência e foi bom trabalhar com os meus colegas. Na prática não foi muito difícil, da próxima vez eu quero trabalhar com o som, mas também gostaria de aprender a trabalhar com a câmara.

I really enjoyed this new experience and it was good to work with my colleagues. In practice it was not very difficult, next time I want to work with the sound, but I would also like to learn to work with the camera.

Bárbara Martinho

Eu gostei desta experiência, foi uma coisa diferente e única, gostei de aprender a realizar um filme. Também gostei de trabalhar com os meus colegas, mal posso esperar pela próxima vez.

I liked this experience, it was a different and unique thing, I enjoyed learning to make a film. I also enjoyed working with my colleagues, I can’t wait for the next time.

Francelina Catambi

Foi uma experiência nova pois nunca tinha trabalhado com dois dos meus colegas e, apesar do esforço para os convencer a fazer o papel, acabou por dar tudo certo e vimos que eles têm muito jeito para actores, apesar da vergonha.

It was a new experience because I had never worked with two of my colleague. Despite the effort to convince them to play the part, it turned out all right and we saw that they have a lot of talent for actors, although the shame.

Bruna Alexandra

Eu gostei muito de trabalhar com os cineastas, aprendi algumas coisas.

Para quem apenas vê, pensa que é só chegar e gravar, mas não! Tivemos que ter atenção ao som, pensar no que gravar, etc. A parte que eu achei mais difícil foi a parte da criatividade. Mas amei gravar os filmes, foi uma experiência boa.

I really enjoyed working with the filmmakers, I learned a few things.

For those who just see it, think it’s just to come and record, but no! We had to pay attention to the sound, think about what to record, etc. The part that I found most difficult was the creativity part. But I loved recording the films, it was a good experience.

Catégorie : Exercice 1, Exercices | Laisser un commentaire

Expérience cinématographique : exercice 1.3

Premier groupe de travail : ce film que nous avons réalisé pour l’exercice 1.3 a pour sujet une expérience abstraite mélangeant plusieurs couleurs.

The film we maid for exercise 1.3 is about an abstract experience mixing several colors.

On a commencé par organiser cette expérience en préparant la séance de tournage.

  • Au premier plan : un récipient et des colorants. In the foreground : a bowl with colors.

  • Au deuxième plan : deux garçons qui marchent derrière, t-shirt bleu et t-shirt rouge pour rappeler les couleurs des colorants. In the background : 2 boys, walking, dressed in similar colors.

  • A l’arrière plan : deux filles qui chuchotent pour rajouter une sensation auditive. Behind, 2 girls whispering to add auditory sensation.

Au deuxième tournage, nous avons supprimé les garçons parce qu’il n’était pas possible de synchroniser la marche et les colorants. On the second shoot, we erased the 2 boys.

Au troisième tournage : on a rajouté du bicarbonate de soude, ça a littéralement créé une explosion, ce qui était magnifique. On the third shoot, we added bakin soda, it literally created an explosion which was wonderful.

Nous avons fait trois prises de vue et la 3ème nous semblait réussie. The last shoot seemed to us the best.

Fares et Amjad

Catégorie : En classe, Exercice 1, Exercices | Laisser un commentaire

Transformation plastique proposée par Valentina

Catégorie : Exercice 1 | Laisser un commentaire

Tension dynamique proposée par Valentina

Catégorie : Exercice 1 | Laisser un commentaire

Captation du temps proposée par Valentina.

Catégorie : Exercice 1 | Laisser un commentaire

Transformation plastique proposée par Alexandre

Catégorie : Exercice 1 | Laisser un commentaire