Helsingin kuvataidelukio also known as Torkkeli

tämä_muokattuWe’re an upper secondary school specialising in visual arts, situated in the heart of the bohemian, creative and hipster-esque Kallio district of Helsinki. Our warm, liberal and welcoming community and wide range of learning opportunities offer students an excellent environment to develop their skills as artists in different fields along with receiving general education.

In Torkkeli we have 8 different film classes to choose from according to your own interests and skill level. Those classes vary from introduction courses to more advanced film producing and, in addition, you can study animation, the history of film and create your own short movie and earn a media diploma. Most of the classes include lectures from the teacher, exercises that prepare us for the final assignment and then the actual making of a short film.

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Une réponse à Helsingin kuvataidelukio also known as Torkkeli

  1. Collège Jean Moulin dit :

    Hello, my name is Adèle, I am 12 years old. 🙂
    I like your project and your style 🙂
    (Jean moulin FRANCE)

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