Highfield filming exercise

The Highfield Junior children have watched a lot of clips at the start of the programme and especially liked ‘Les Petites Fugues’, ‘Tree of Life’ and the Guinness advert.  Watching clips is so interesting as the children imagine their own backstories to the characters in the clips.

Before we started the official filming exercises we did a game to try and understand how we can film a sensation without being too literal:

Film a Word – Exercise

Dive up in three groups of 5 people each.  Come up with an interesting word. Look out for verbs in particular.   Think of an image that reflects the word that you have chosen.  How would you express the word in an image?

Now create a one-shot film lasting 5-10 seconds that you think creates the sensation of that word, without saying it out loud.

We will watch the films and guess which word was filmed and reflect on the films in terms of shot types and rhythm.

Here are the results:

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