Archives mensuelles : mars 2020

Tournage Jour 3

The first group met at a rooftop terrace, which belonged to our main actress’s dad’s workplace and he kindly granted us the possibility to shoot there. The terrace was an amazing location, given that we had a breathtaking view from up high over Berlin.

Team one met at 12 a.m. (so we got to sleep in) and soon after, started filming our two protagonists, Teresa and Charlotte, enjoying themselves and messing around. We used this opportunity to establish their relationship and intimate friendship. That day, we managed to capture some great sensations. We experimented with close-ups of the food we brought along, and filming the wind playing in Teresa’s hair. Of course, we also made use of the great view and ended up with some nice footage of that incredible location. We also played around with the idea of translating that sense of hight into pictures. The rooftop shoot was good fun and we rewarded ourselves with some pizza afterwards!

A couple of people also sat down to look through all the footage we already had, so that we could get an idea of what kind of scenes were still needed in order to tell our story the way we wanted to. Watching what we had already done, also helped to figure out at what places we might need to include some more sensations, seeing as this is the overaching theme.

Another small team walked around down on the street and tried to find some more impressions and sensations.

The second group met up at 4 p.m. at the same location we had already filmed at the previous day (the one with the toilet). After having looked through all of the footage, we knew that we had to shoot a few more scenes there. Hence, the second group tried to capture some more impressions of their surroundings and filmed Teresa leaving the toilet and running out of the club, so that the transition to the next scene outside would be smoother. That day, it didn’t get quite as late as on Friday and we were able to wrap it up at about 7 p.m.

All in all, filming was heaps of fun and we all had a great experience. We especially enjoyed experimenting with what could be done and playing around with the camera and capturing all sorts of different pictures. It was very interesting to see how emotions and sensations could be conveyed through the medium film and we got a lot out of these three days!

Now, we can’t wait to see the final result! Even though, unfortunately, we will probably not be able to present our finished movie in Paris (due to the pandemic), we still hope that you are as excited to finally see all the films of every school as we are! We’re looking forward to it! 1024w, 300w, 768w | (max-width: 640px) 100vw, 640px 1024w, 300w, 768w | (max-width: 640px) 100vw, 640px 1024w, 300w, 768w | (max-width: 640px) 100vw, 640px

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Tournage Jour 2

Friday was the second day of shooting. It started at 12 am in the apartment of one of the main actresses. A smaller team worked there together on the first film scenes. The main location was just the kitchen, with the stove playing a special role. After many recordings, cooking mountains of spaghetti and a lot of past time, a good recording was made and we filmed sensory perceptions that were particularly important and striking in this scene. There was a lot of experimentation so that the kitchen was in a mess and looked as if it had been turned upside down. There was a lot to laugh about and shooting these scenes was both exhausting but also fun for the whole team. However, we had to clear up the mess afterwards :/. When all the shots for the place were filmed and we were relieved that things went well over time, we ate the spaghetti together and the plan for the rest of the day was discussed. 576w, 169w, 750w | (max-width: 356px) 100vw, 356px 1024w, 300w, 768w | (max-width: 640px) 100vw, 640px

After a failed and much too stressful subway shoot, we ran to our teacher who was already waiting at the raw area. There the way to the party should be recorded. After we felt like walking down the same stairs 30 times to shoot this for the way to the party, we started to freeze slowly. But it was just the beginning. Next the scene in front of the club was shot from a Million perspectives. Everybody in our course- except the cameraman- had to stand in front oft he lens because we had to make it look like an open and lively club, which of course was not the case in reality. After that everybody thought “now it`s only the final scene“, because it was already 8 o`clock pm. But then the teachers gave us a new task: We had to record some sensory perceptions of the area – it was bitter cold… And also during the shooting of the final scene it didn`t get warmer.
After we finished filming all the group scenes and impressions at the raw-space we decided to start filming the end scene of our movie. We picked a small group for this since it was already really dark and cold outside. In the end-scene one of the main characters had to sit outside in the cold, without a jacket. Obviously she was freezing so we even had a blanket-person on our team who started throwing a blanket around her every time the camera was turned off. Even though this shoot was definitely exhausting, it was really fun at the same time and we were all laughing a lot. After we finished shooting the end-scene we warmed up in a cafe for a bit and then a small group went to the train to shoot a train-scene. At this point it was almost midnight and we were all tired and cold but we still tried to make the best out of it and I think it worked out pretty good. Afterwards I think we all just went home and fell asleep right away. 1024w, 300w, 768w, 1600w | (max-width: 640px) 100vw, 640px 1024w, 300w, 768w, 1600w | (max-width: 640px) 100vw, 640px


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Tournage Jour 1

We met at school on Thursday, March 12th at 10:00 a.m. to plan our shoot. First we got the script and made the last changes. We also discussed when and where we wanted to shoot and then created a shooting schedule for who would do what for the day.

Afterwards we did a casting with various acting exercises to choose the most suitable actors for the film. Our choice ultimately fell on Teresa and Charlotte, but the other candidates also got a small supporting role and they are seen as friends in the film.
In order to finally start shooting, we divided ourselves into two groups. One group immediately drove to a youth club to shoot our key scene on the club toilet, while a smaller second group explored the area nearby to find places that would be suitable for the last scene.

The toilet is reminiscent of the typical Berlin club scene and thus fits well into our film, which is about young Berliners who like to party in the clubs and bars of Berlin. The toilet has great relevance for our film, because here, the turning point takes place with the disappointment of our protagonist. We chose this place because toilets are mainly associated with disgust. It is dark and dirty and forms a perfect contrast to the idyllic situation on the beautiful, sunny outdoor roof terrace, as well as to the cosy apartment kitchen. To illustrate Teresa’s feelings after the disappointing response on the toilet, the sensations we filmed in this place help us. As mesy and chaotic as the club’s toilet looks, Teresa’s thoughts and feelings are also uncertain and in emotional chaos.
At 7:00 p.m. the whole team met again in the youth club, where we were until 9:00 p.m. to discuss our next shooting days with Mr. Etter and Mrs. Krewani.


Wir haben uns am Donnerstag, den 12.3.20, um 10 Uhr in der Schule getroffen um unseren Dreh zu planen. Zuerst haben wir das Drehbuch bekommen und an diesem noch letzte Änderungen vorgenommen. Außerdem haben wir besprochen, wann und wo wir drehen möchten und dann einen Drehplan erstellt, wer welche Aufgabe für den Drehtag übernimmt.

Anschließend haben wir ein Casting mit verschiedenen schauspielerischen Übungen gemacht, um die geeignetsten Schauspieler für den Film zu wählen. Unsere Wahl ist schließlich auf Teresa und Charlotte gefallen, wobei die anderen Kandidaten ebenfalls alle eine kleine Nebenrolle bekommen haben und als Freunde im Film zu sehen sind.
Um dann endlich mit dem Dreh beginnen zu können, haben wir uns in zwei Gruppen eingeteilt. Eine Gruppe ist sofort zur erstem Drehort, der Toilette eines Jugendtreffs, gefahren, um unsere Schlüsselszene auf der Clubtoilette zu drehen, während eine kleinere zweite Gruppe die Umgebung erkundet hat, um Orte zu finden, die geeignet wären für die letzte Szene. Die Toilette erinnert an die typische Berliner Clubszene und passt damit auch gut in unseren Film, bei dem es um Jugendliche Berliner, die gerne in Berliner Clubs und Bars feiern geht. Die Toilette hat große Relevanz für unseren Film, da hier mit der Enttäuschung unserer Protagonistin auch der Wendepunkt stattfindet. Wir haben diesen Ort gewählt, weil man Toiletten vor allem mit Ekel verbindet. Sie ist schmutzig, dunkel, verdreckt und stickig und bildet einen perfekten Kontrast zur idyllischen Situation auf der schönen, sonnigen Dachterrasse im Freien, sowie zu der gemütlichen Wohnungsküche. Um Teresas Gefühlslage nach der enttäuschenden Antwort auf der Toilette zu verdeutlichen, helfen uns die Empfindungen die wir an diesem Ort gedreht haben. So zerstört und unordentlich wie die Toilette des Clubs aussieht sind quasi auch Teresas Gedanken und Gefühle.

Um 19 Uhr hat sich dann das ganze Team in dem Jugendtreff wiedergetroffen, wo wir bis 21 Uhr waren um noch unsere nächsten Drehtage mit Herrn Etter und Frau Krewani zu besprechen. 1024w, 300w, 768w, 1600w | (max-width: 640px) 100vw, 640px 732w, 150w, 300w | (max-width: 732px) 100vw, 732px

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Búsqueda locaciones – Primer día de rodaje / Repérage – première journée de tournage 300w, 768w, 1024w | (max-width: 400px) 100vw, 400px 300w, 768w, 1024w | (max-width: 400px) 100vw, 400px

Comenzamos a pensar nuestra película. Para ello, salimos de excursión por la isla para ver qué posibles historias nos sugerían los lugares. En la caminata encontramos objetos perdidos muchos de ellos traídos por las marejadas, observamos los árboles que nos rodean y recordamos una hermosa planta que crece durante el verano en la laguna que tenemos cerca: el Irupé. Además, les contamos a los profes acerca de una leyenda de la isla, los pomberitos. Ya tenemos los elementos centrales de nuestra historia.

Nous avons commencé à penser à notre film. Pour ce faire, nous avons fait une excursion autour de l’île pour voir quelles histoires possibles les lieux nous ont suggérées. Au cours de la promenade, nous trouvons des objets perdus, dont beaucoup sont apportés par les raz-de-marée, nous observons les arbres qui nous entourent et nous nous souvenons d’une belle plante qui pousse pendant l’été dans le lagon que nous avons à proximité: l’Irupé. De plus, nous racontons aux professeurs une légende insulaire: les pomberitos. Nous avons déjà les éléments centraux de notre histoire. 300w, 768w, 1024w | (max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px 300w, 768w, 1024w | (max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px 169w, 768w, 576w | (max-width: 220px) 100vw, 220px

Entre todos definimos los roles qué ocuparía cada uno, Incluyendo los más pequeños del grupo: la sala maternal a la que van niños y niñas de 3 a 5 años. Agustina (12 años) se encargó de escribir la historia y en el encuentro próximo comenzamos el rodaje.

Ensemble, nous définissons les rôles que chacun occuperait: même on va inclure les plus petites de la maternelle (3, 4 et 5 ans). Agustina était en charge de l’écriture de l’histoire et lors de la prochaine réunion, nous avons commencé le tournage. 300w, 768w, 1024w | (max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px

Guión original, escrito por Agustina y Morena

Scénario original, écrit par Agustina et Morena 300w, 768w, 1024w | (max-width: 320px) 100vw, 320px 300w, 768w, 1024w | (max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px

La Leyenda del Pombero, es de origen Guarany, y de acuerdo en qué región estemos adquiere diversos matices. Para nosotros, el pombero es cuidador de la naturaleza y asusta a quién quiera hacerle daño, sobre todo a los niños. También es bastante travieso, le gusta robar cigarrillos y alcohol a los adultos. Hay muchas versiones posibles de este ser misterioso.

La légende du « Pombero' », est d’origine aborigine, plus précisément des “Guaraníes”. Selon la région où nous nous trouvons, l’histoire du Pombero acquiert diverses nuances. Nous croyons que le pombero est un gardien de la nature et qu’il fait peur à quiconque veut lui faire du mal, en particulier aux enfants. Il est aussi assez coquin, il aime voler des cigarettes et de l’alcool aux adultes. Il existe de nombreuses versions possibles de cet être mystérieux.


El primer día de rodaje tuvimos que resolver los primeros inconvenientes: el clima del día no era el esperado y una de las actrices principales se había ido a la ciudad. Con la ayuda de los profesores modificamos el plan de rodaje y filmamos los primeros planos para la película.

Le premier jour du tournage, nous avons dû résoudre les premiers problèmes: la météo de la journée n’était pas celle attendue et l’une des principales actrices était partie pour la ville… Avec l’aide des enseignants, nous avons modifié le plan de tournage et filmé les premiers plans du film. 200w, 768w, 683w | (max-width: 350px) 100vw, 350px 300w, 768w, 1024w | (max-width: 350px) 100vw, 350px 300w, 768w, 1024w | (max-width: 350px) 100vw, 350px 300w, 768w, 1024w | (max-width: 350px) 100vw, 350px 300w, 768w, 1024w | (max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px 300w, 768w, 1024w | (max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px

Luego proyectamos los planos filmados en el salón de clases.

Ensuite, nous avons projeté en classe les plans filmés. 300w, 768w, 1024w | (max-width: 400px) 100vw, 400px 300w, 768w, 1024w | (max-width: 400px) 100vw, 400px

Catégorie : Film-essai | Laisser un commentaire

Exercice 2

We saw some parts of films and take the lecture. 300w, 768w, 1024w | (max-width: 624px) 100vw, 624px 300w, 768w, 1024w | (max-width: 623px) 100vw, 623px


After that, We went to shoot around Shibuya station.

One team chose « visual » and another team chose « hearing ». 300w, 768w, 1024w | (max-width: 623px) 100vw, 623px 300w, 768w, 1024w | (max-width: 621px) 100vw, 621px 300w, 768w, 1024w | (max-width: 617px) 100vw, 617px 300w, 768w, 1024w | (max-width: 617px) 100vw, 617px 300w, 768w, 1024w | (max-width: 615px) 100vw, 615px

Catégorie : Exercice 2 | Laisser un commentaire

Affichage de les extraits des films et planification d’idées pour notre scenario

Visionado de fragmentos de películas y planteamiento de ideas para nuestro guión

22 de febrero. Vimos los siguientes fragmentos de estas películas:

22 février. Nous avons vu les fragments des films suivants:

  1. Adios Philippine -Adieu Philippine- (Jacques Rozier, 1960, France).
  2. Gražuolė, La Belle (Arünas Zebriünas, 1969, Lituania).
  3. El olor de la papaya verde -L’Odeur de la papaye verte- (Anh Hung Tran, 1992, France).
  4. Terciopelo azul -Blue Velvet- (David Lynch, 1986, États Unis).
  5. La canción del camino- Pather Panchali, La Complainte du Sentier- (Satyajit Ray, 1955, Inde). 300w, 768w, 1024w | (max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px 300w, 768w, 1024w | (max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px 300w, 768w, 1024w | (max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px 300w, 768w, 1024w | (max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px 300w, 768w, 1024w | (max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px 300w, 768w, 1024w | (max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px 300w, 768w, 1024w | (max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px 

Luego de comentar y charlar sobre estos fragmentos, planteamos nuevas ideas para lo que será nuestro guión.

Après avoir commenté et discuté de ces fragments, nous proposons de nouvelles idées pour ce qui sera notre scenario. 300w, 768w, 1024w | (max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px 300w, 768w, 1024w | (max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px

Catégorie : En classe | Laisser un commentaire

Sensations au cinéma. Les sens

Sensaciones en el cine. Los sentidos

15 de febrero. En la primera parte de la sesión vimos los siguientes fragmentos de estas películas:

15 février. Dans la première partie de la session, nous avons vu les fragments des films suivantes:

  1. Nuestro tiempo (Carlos Reygadas)
  2. Nadie sabe -Nobody Knows- (Hirokazu Koreeda)
  3. Volver a la escuela  -Rentrée des classes (Jacques Rozier)
  4. La comedia de Dios- La Comédie de Dieu (João César Monteiro). 
  5. El octavo día -Le Huitième jour- (Jaco Van Dormael) 300w, 768w, 1024w | (max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px 300w, 768w, 1024w | (max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px 300w, 768w, 1024w | (max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px

Luego de dialogar sobre estos fragmentos, nos preparamos para el ejercicio práctico. Los profesores nos pidieron la clase anterior, a los que pudiéramos hacerlo, que trajéramos un instrumento musical o elementos deportivos, de acuerdo a nuestras aficiones y con ello pensamos en una situación para rodarla, nos dividimos roles, esta vez también el de sonidista, ya que ahora tenemos equipos propios de grabación de audio!

Après d’avoir discuté sur ces fragments, nous nous préparons pour l’exercice pratique. Dans le cours précédent, Les professeurs nous ont demandé qui pourrait, selon nos hobbies, nous apporter un instrument de musique ou des éléments sportifs; avec cela nous pensons à une situation pour le tourner, nous partageons les rôles, cette fois-ci aussi le role de Soundman, parce que nous avons maintenant notre propre équipement d’enregistrement audio! 300w, 768w, 1024w | (max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px 300w, 768w, 1024w | (max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px 300w, 768w, 1024w | (max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px 300w, 768w, 1024w | (max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px

Ya en el parque el profesor Alejandro nos explicó como utilizar estos equipos y entonces comenzamos nuestro rodaje, que terminaremos, no la próxima clase, ya que trabajaremos en el guión, sino en la siguiente.

Dans le parc, le professeur Alejandro nous a expliqué comment utiliser ces équipements, puis nous avons commencé notre tournage. Nous allons finir le tournage après d’avoir travaillé sur le scénario. 300w, 768w, 1024w | (max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px 300w, 768w, 1024w | (max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px

Catégorie : En classe | Laisser un commentaire

Présentation de l’atelier de Escola Básica de Sobral de Monte Agraço 146w, 170w | (max-width: 146px) 100vw, 146px


Olá sou a Bárbara, tenho 14 anos, venho da Sapataria. Estou neste projecto desde o ano passado. O que mais gostei de fazer durante as filmagens dos exercícios e do filme-ensaio foi a câmara. E espero que este ano seja tão divertido como foi o ano passado.

Salut, je m’appelle Bárbara, j’ai 14 ans, j’habite à Sapataria. Je suis dans ce projet depuis l’année dernière. La caméra était ce que j’ai le plus aimé faire pendant le tournage de l’exercice et le film final. Et j’espère que cette année sera aussi amusante que l’année dernière. 146w, 156w | (max-width: 146px) 100vw, 146px


Eu chamo-me Violeta tenho 11 anos e vim de Torres Vedras. Estou na escola Secundária de Sobral de Monte Agraço pela primeira vez e frequento o clube de cinema. Eu vim para o cinema porque gosto de representar. Uma vez vi um filme e gostava de experimentar ser atriz.

Je m’appelle Violeta, j’ai 11 ans, j’habite à Torres Vedras.Je suis à l’école secondaire de Sobral de Monte Agraço pour la première fois et je fréquente le clubde cinéma.Je me suis rendu au club de cinéma, parce que j’aime bien jouer des rôles. Une fois, j’ai vu un film qui m’a touché et je veux essayer d’être une actrice. 146w, 177w | (max-width: 146px) 100vw, 146px


No ateliê de cinema eu gostei de Fazer de: camera-man, som e claquete. Eu sempre quis ser um realizador porque eu gosto de fazer filmes de: Aventuras, Drama, Violência, Filmes Épicos

Dans les studios de cinéma, j’aime faire: caméraman, son et clap. J’ai toujours voulu être réalisateur parce que j’aime faire des films sur: Aventures, Drame, Violence, Epic Movies.



Olá eu chamo-me Guilherme tenho 10 anos vivo em Torres Vedras. Eu estou no clube de cinema à dois anos quando entrei na escola do Sobral. No clube de cinema eu fiz som e de ator. É o que eu gosto mais de fazer. Gosto de interpretar papéis porque, desde pequeno, sempre quis ser ator em filmes de ação.

Salut, je m’appelle Guilherme j’ai 10 ans et j’habite à Torres Vedras. Je suis dans le club de cinéma depuis 2 ans, depuis que j’ai rejoint l’école Sobral. Dans le club de cinéma, je fais du son et je suis acteur. Ce que j’aime le plus, c’est de jouer des rôles parce que, depuis que j’étais petit garçon, j’ai toujours voulu être acteur dans des films d’action.ábio-147x300.png 147w,ábio.png 152w | (max-width: 147px) 100vw, 147px


Ola eu chamo-me Fábio tenho 14 anos estou no segundo ano deste projecto. O que eu gostei mais de fazer foi de camaramen capturar o som com a perche e ser ator. Gostei de participar de atividades cinematográficas, preparar o roteiro, assistir filmes, comentar, criar situações e desenhar anotações.

Salut, je m’appelle Fábio, j’ai 14 ans et c’est la deuxième année que je suis dans le projet de cinéma. J’ai beaucoup aimé de faire de cameraman, capter le son avec la perche et être acteur. J’ai bien aimé de participer à des activités cinématographiques, préparer le scénario, regarder des films, commenter, créer des situations et dessiner des notes. 147w, 175w | (max-width: 147px) 100vw, 147px


Olá o meu nome é Fred tenho 12 anos vivo em Sobral de Monte Agraço. É a primeira vez que participo no clube de cinema. Espero que este ano seja muito divertido para mim

Salut, je m’appelle Fred, j’ai 12 ans, je habité à Sobral de Monte Agraço. C’est la première fois que je participe au club de cinéma. J’espère que cette année sera très amusante pour moi.ícia-147x300.png 147w,ícia.png 179w | (max-width: 147px) 100vw, 147px


Olá o meu nome é Patrícia tenho 11 anos vivo em Lages da Freiria. É a primeira vez que eu participo no clube de cinema. E espero que este ano seja divertido.

Salut, je m’appelle Patrícia, j’ai 11 ans. Je habité à Lages da Freiria. C’est mon première fois que je participe au club de cinéma. Et j’espère que cette année sera aussi amusante que l’année dernière.

Catégorie : Présentations des ateliers | Laisser un commentaire

Exercise 3, Group A &B, Children’s Film Academy, India

Exercise 3

This was one of the happiest exercises we did. We had to listen to some music and tell whatever came to our mind. Once again, we became two different groups.

Group A

When we listened to the music, we felt so happy. We all had to say what images came to our mind. One student said she thought of a happy classroom, where the teacher is teaching happily, students are studying happily and there is joy everywhere!

Another student said , she thought of a classroom where everyone is bored. But when the music comes, the children dance with joy and when the teacher comes and tries to stop their dance, the children are initially scared, but then, listening to the music and seeing the children break into dance, she also throws away her scale and begins to dance with them. The class is filled with joy!

It was such a happy idea that everyone decided to shoot that one ! And had a blast shooting it  !

Group B

Our group listened to the joyful music . To one boy, it evoked  the happy experience of riding a cycle to the library, hunting for a favorite book and settling down to read it under a tree! We all liked the idea so much .We thought of all the sensations that we experience when we ride our cycles through the village – the feel of the breeze, the clouds in the sky, the leaves and the trees, the crunch of the gravel, the pedal’s rattling sound, the wheel’s whirring sound, the cycle bell (but the cycle we shot on, did not have a bell!); the cool, dark library and the feel of the sun filtering through the leaves on to the pages of the book as we read with joy our favorite book ! But, easy as it was to come up with all the sensations, it was really difficult to shoot as it involved a lot of hard work: shooting in different spots, cycling over and over again till the shot was good. But very satisfying too. We ran in to some luck when in one of the lanes, we discovered a flock of ducks waddling by. We were so delighted to just look at them that we decided to shoot with them to show the joy felt by the boy. Ambadi was the name of the cycle rider, and he had to cycle carefully so that he entered the frame after them or along with them, but not after they had left the frame! The uncle who looked after the ducks  got them to move along certain paths but after waddling up and down three times, the ducks decided they did not like acting !! While our cycle riding hero could not exercise any such choice ! We also missed several shots as our session for the day came to a close. We are going to be more planned next time.


Catégorie : Exercice 3 | Marqué avec , , , | Laisser un commentaire

Exercise 2, Group A & B, CHildren’s Film Academy, India

Exercise 2

We formed a fresh group for every exercise. This time we called out A and B. All the As became one group and Bs became another, 6 of us in each group.

In this exercise, each group had to choose one sense. Group A chose the sense of touch and Group B chose the sense of sight.

Group A : Sense of touch

Our group chose the sense of touch. So we went around in our school grounds with our Sir from CFA,  Arun Bhaskar, touching things and feeling them again. Then, one participant suggested he would like to show the sensation felt in the touch of flowers and leaves. So he took his first shot , in which one participant feels the leaves and flowers in the centre of our school. Then , another participant showed the feel of a single leaf, another showed the delicate feel of a flower; seeing that, yet another student thought of the feel of water and sand when the plants are watered, and even the smell that comes from the soil when we water them; and that reminded another participant of the feel of new sand in the flowerpots !

We explored so many sensations that come from the sense of touch as we explored just our little garden!


Group B : Sense of sight

We discussed how we feel the world through our senses . Since some film clips had been projected, the projector was still on. In the strong beam of light, my friend started making some graceful dance movements by her hands and beautiful shadows were formed on the screen. We were so fascinated to see that. Then,  another friend also joined in with her hands. This is how we discovered our first shot : shadows and light. As we stepped out for the next shot, we noticed our own shadows in the sunlight and that became our second shot. The third participant saw the silver streamers shooting light in the sun, and thus, we discovered our third shot. The next one saw the shadows made by these streamers  and because they seemed to dance, it connected with our earlier shots too.Then one participant said, she would like to take the shot of the red leaves that were allowing the sun to stream through them. Those were really beautiful. When we tried to take that shot, we discovered the sun peeping through the leaves. That went so well with our earlier shots.But it was really difficult to shoot that one as the sun at that time was straight overhead! So our CFA Sir, Shibin Balkrishnan had to help us take that shot. It turned out to be a really beautiful shot.

Soon, we all were noticing patterns of shadows everywhere!

Editing of Exercise 2

We were introduced to the editing process. On the Adobe Premiere Pro, our Sir from CFA, Shibin Balkrishnan  showed us how to put the shots together. We chose the good shots , the order of the shots and the duration too, as some were too long!


Catégorie : Exercice 2 | Marqué avec , , , | Laisser un commentaire